How We Are

Welcome to, your trusted source for all things related to the exciting world of UK 49s lottery. We are dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about the Lunchtime and Teatime results, along with a wealth of other valuable resources such as result history, hot and cold numbers, and predictions. Our website is designed with one goal in mind: to be the go-to platform for lottery enthusiasts seeking reliable information.

Expertise in UK 49s Lottery

At, we pride ourselves on being experts in the field of UK 49s lottery. Our team consists of seasoned professionals who have an in-depth understanding of this unique form of gambling. With years of experience under our belts, we possess comprehensive knowledge about the game mechanics and intricacies involved in predicting outcomes.

Our team’s expertise extends beyond just providing results; we analyze data trends meticulously to offer you valuable insights that can enhance your chances of winning. By employing advanced statistical models and algorithms, we deliver predictions based on historical patterns while taking into account various factors that may influence future draws.

Our Team

Geoff Robinson (Founder)

Geoff Robinson profile picture

Geoff is the founder of He started with having idea to create a website which shares everything related to UK 49s lotto at users’ fingertips. He is managing the whole website along with a team of two other members as well. He is an active player of 49s lottery as well.

Our other team members are,

  • Linda Hills (Content Researcher)
  • Ryan Liang (Web Developer)

Authoritative Information at Your Fingertips

When it comes to sharing information about UK 49s lottery, authority matters. At, we take great care in ensuring that our content meets high standards of accuracy and reliability. Every piece published on our platform undergoes a rigorous vetting process by our expert team members before it reaches your screen.

We diligently research each topic using reputable sources within the 49s lotto resrouces while adhering strictly to established consensus among experts. This approach guarantees that the content you find here is factually accurate and provides a comprehensive view of all aspects related to UK 49s lotto.

Transparency in Publication Process

In line with our commitment to transparency, we want to shed light on our publication process. Our team of experts meticulously crafts each article, ensuring that it is clear, concise, and easy to understand for all visitors. We optimize the content with the primary goal of serving your needs as a user rather than merely catering to search engine algorithms.

To maintain trust and credibility, we aim to be open about the authors behind each piece of content. You will find detailed author biographies accompanying their work so you can learn more about their expertise and background in UK 49s lottery analysis.

Furthermore, we utilize state-of-the-art technologies to provide a secure browsing experience for our users. With robust security measures in place, your personal information remains confidential while navigating our website.

Our Commitment

Our commitment at is unwavering: providing accurate results and valuable insights into the UK 49s Lunchtime and Teatime draws. We strive to be your trusted companion on this thrilling journey by continuously improving our services based on user feedback and evolving industry trends.

We value your trust above all else and are dedicated to delivering high-quality content that meets your expectations. Whether you’re an avid player seeking results or a strategic thinker looking for predictions, rely on us as your go-to resource for everything related to UK 49s lottery.

Contact Us

You can always contact us by following either of the following ways,

Email Support:

  1. Geoff Robinson – Founder ([email protected])
  2. Linda Hills – Content Manager ([email protected])
  3. Ryan Liang – Web Developer ([email protected])

Or you can contact us at [email protected] for general support.

Physical Visit:

49s Lunchtime & Teatime Draws

  • Address: Adj. Lemington Labour Club, Union Hall Road, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 7SJ, United Kingdom
  • Phone Number: +44 191 302 8290
  • Google Maps Location


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